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Opening of a new Jewish high school in Juan Les Pins

Team Alloj - Article Opening of a new Jewish high school in Juan Les Pins updated on 26/03/2025

Great news for the inhabitants of Juan Les Pins! A brand new Jewish high school will open its doors for the start of the school year in September 2023. Bearing promise and opportunity, this school offers excellent teaching while preserving the deep values ​​of Jewish tradition. Students will be welcomed in a caring, stimulating environment, where they will be able to learn general subjects and will also have lessons in Torah and Jewish culture.

Students will be supervised by a team of experienced and dynamic teachers. Small class sizes will allow high school students to learn better, much faster. And for a complete education, Hebrew lessons and a reinforcement of the mastery of English will be offered to them.

Registrations for the year 2023/2024 are open! Contact Mrs. Hanna Sebag 06 37 72 14 18!

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