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For many years now, more and more countries have been offering kosher travel and restaurants, attracting large numbers of observant Jewish tourists. Examples include Spain, Morocco and Greece. But all these destinations remain mostly European.
But for some years now, kosher has been exported internationally, to our great delight.
Mexico has become a veritable Eldorado for those in search of kosher food. Whether you're in Mexico City, Tulum, Cancun or even Playa del Carmen, there are plenty of kosher restaurants to choose from.
If you're visiting Playa del Carmen, you'll be able to enjoy delicious falafels. Here, they serve quality products and hearty dishes at low prices. The restaurant is ideal for rediscovering Israeli flavors in Mexico. For fans of meats and grilled meats, you can also sit down at Moshe Kube Casher. They serve typical Moroccan and Tunisian dishes, and you can even eat traditional couscous thousands of kilometers from home!
For those visiting Cancun, plan to eat at The Ember. It's a charming place where you can dine on fine cuts of meat. If you're a fan of Israeli cuisine, you can also try the Kosher Cancun restaurant.
If you're passing through Mexico City, you can choose between the Burger House Atelier for good burgers, the Bamboo Asian for fans of Asian food and even the Auguri Trattoria for those who prefer halavi !
Mexico now offers a wide choice of kosher restaurants, as well as Bet Habad for an unforgettable kosher experience.
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