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Kosher wine has always been regarded as tasteless. Often described as tasteless, it was difficult to find a very good kosher wine on a par with a non-kosher wine.
Today, this is history! Major wine producers now produce very good kosher wine. This is the case, for example, of Royal Wine Corp, which aims to be the world's leading manufacturer, importer and distributor of specialty wines, spirits and liqueurs. Headed by Menahem Israelievitch, it produces kosher wine in the same vineyards and châteaux as non-kosher wines. These include Château Lascombes Dauzac, Leoville-Poyferré Pape Clément, Fourcas Dupré as well as Le crock Pontet-canet and Meynet.
The only difference? Rabbinic verification at every stage of the wine-making process. Many of their châteaux are in the Bordeaux region, one of the world's greatest wine-growing areas.
The same applies to the production of IDS wines. The Harari family wanted to perfect kosher wine. Today, they produce exceptional wines without compromising their kosher standards. They own numerous châteaux in Alsace, Burgundy and even Provence, offering a wide choice of grands crus, wines and even champagnes.
Kosher wine tastings are now even possible thanks to Kosher Wine Tours created by Bruno and Lidwine. Kosher Wine Tours is the No. 1 organizer of made-to-measure business events at the heart of the most prestigious kosher wine estates.
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