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Since the Abraham Accords were signed, giving Israelis easy access to Morocco and vice versa, Morocco has been welcoming more and more tourists from all over the world.
And for some years now, Jews from France and now Israel have been able to find kosher grocery stores, restaurants and even hotels.
Especially in Marrakech, Morocco's emblematic city, many kosher holidays are organized in luxurious villas. These are generally located in sought-after neighborhoods, offering an unforgettable experience.
Among them is the beautiful Villa Fratelli. Three villas of 250m2 each, set in 1 hectare of grounds, each with 5 suites. Its swimming pool lets you cool off at any time of day.
There's also the Maison Solaneos, the 1st Kosher Riad with a teouda. SAD770 offers a warm welcome in a modern setting in the Kasbah district. 15 minutes from the synagogue. Maison Solaneos has chosen to blend traditional Moroccan style with modern comfort.
You can also take advantage of the city's many kosher restaurants, including Darima Marrakech, Wasabi Marrakech, La Coupole and Restaurant Terraz Pashutaim.
If you still don't know where to go this summer, the choice is now quickly made !
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